KEIRA GREENE, Folds, 2021,
HD video, 16:9, colour, stereo, 7 minutes, 9 seconds, featuring performance by Alexandrina Hemsley, distributed by LUX

Folds is a filmed portrait of dance artist and writer Alexandrina Hemsley that explores themes of intimacy, agency and temporality. Shot inside the controlled environment of a film studio, the work playfully explores the concept and the practice of capture, through a series of 8 second dances. These short performances were recorded using the Phantom high-speed camera so that what the audience experiences is a choreography in extreme slow motion. Folds is a performance only partially documented by the camera; following each ‘action’ (shot at 1000fps) the camera must play back and save the clip at 25fps. In real time, during those ‘lost’ minutes, the performance continued. This is a production of doubled-time, seen and unseen, a process that destabilises the hierarchy of capture, duration, and representation. Folds is a portrait that reveals a world of micro movements through slow motion, as well as gesturing towards the world outside of the frame, that which was missed but that makes a difference.


KEIRA GREENE is an artist working across film, installation, photography and performance. Her work is preoccupied with the social and organic life and landscape of specific environ­ments. Her practice is produced through a collaborative and conver­sational approach of looking, writing and forming enduring relationships. Recent works are concerned with ideas of the body and the experience of emotion, in dialogue with an embodied filmmaking practice.